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6 days ago
The 50/50 pot is up to $1790 💰
Sure, you could bet on the actual game but why not take your chances to win some cash while supporting Luv-N-Bunns?![]()
The Rules:
$5 per entry
Payments can be made via:
* Venmo @Luv-n-Bunns-Rabbitrescue (our pink logo, last 4 digits of phone 9184)
* Paypal
All entries must be in before 5:00 pm on Sunday, 2/9
Drawing takes place at the end of the 2nd quarter/start of halftime
Winner gets 50% of whatever is collected & Luv-N-Bunns gets 50%
No matter who wins the big game, it’s a win/win for the bunns! ![]()
Mocha Joe says HOP TO IT & GO BIRDS!!!! 🦅
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6 days ago
These bonded brothers hopped off to their forever home last weekend, and as you can see they are settling in quite quickly! 🙃 Congratulations to these spunky boys and their new family!
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7 days ago
As of this morning, someone's going home with AT LEAST $742!![]()
Hop in on our Super Bowl 50/50 raffle, plenty of time to go and the pot keeps growing.![]()
$5 per entry
Payments can be made via:![]()
* Venmo @Luv-n-Bunns-Rabbitrescue (our pink logo, last 4 digits of phone 9184)![]()
* Paypal![]()
All entries must be in before 5:00 pm on Sunday, 2/9
Drawing takes place at the end of the 2nd quarter/start of halftime
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1 week ago
HOPPY SUPER BOWL WEEK! The Big Game its just four days away!
The 50/50 pot is up to $1150 💰
Sure, you could bet on the actual game but why not take your chances to win some cash while supporting Luv-N-Bunns?![]()
The Rules:
$5 per entry
Payments can be made via:
* Venmo @Luv-n-Bunns-Rabbitrescue (our pink logo, last 4 digits of phone 9184)
* Paypal![]()
All entries must be in before 5:00 pm on Sunday, 2/9
Drawing takes place at the end of the 2nd quarter/start of halftime
Winner gets 50% of whatever is collected & Luv-N-Bunns gets 50%
No matter who wins the big game, it’s a win/win for the bunns!![]()
Minx says HOP TO IT & GO BIRDS!!!! 🦅
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1 week ago
Hi, friends! Jasp here, and today I have both a BSA and HSA to share with you - that's right, a joint Bunny Service Announcement AND Human Service Announcement. Because if your home is anything like mine, the fur is flying right now. And I do mean FLYING. So before I share the column I often post around shedding season, I thought I would offer five ways that you humans can protect yourselves from the "furricane" taking over your homes.![]()
1. Goggles - to keep the fur from attaching to your eyelashes and pricking your eyeballs.![]()
2. Mask - to avoid getting fur up your nose and inside your mouth.![]()
3. Gloves - to allow you to pet your furry friends without actually looking like one of us afterwards.![]()
4. Tissues - to help out when the fur STILL finds a way to get into your nose and makes you sneeze. And sneeze. And sneeeeeeeze.![]()
5. Hazmat suit - to save your clothes from changing from their original color to whatever color your bunn's fur is. Dark colored pants and a light colored rabbit? HahaHA.![]()
There you go! I hope these ideas are helpful. Ma is shaking her head and telling me I am being a smart aleck and a wise guy. But hey, I'm just trying to be thoughtful and offer up some solutions!
In all seriousness, though, please be proactive in grooming your rabbits. This is super important always, but especially at the times when us bunns are shedding even more than usual. If rabbits ingest too much fur when we're grooming ourselves, it can cause us to go into stasis. As any bunn and bunn parent will tell you, you do NOT want that to happen, because it can make rabbits very sick. Frequent grooming will help prevent this, because if you're removing the stray fur for us, there won't be as much left for us to swallow.![]()
We are once again at the point that Ma is pretty much doing this all the time. Sometimes she gently plucks the loose tufts off with her fingers and sometimes she uses the small animal Furminator, which does an awesome job. Another method is to wet your hands slightly and run them over your bunn - the dampness will make the loose fur attach to you, and it'll come right off. Fair warning, though : you just might look like a rabbit yourself if you choose this route. (See above suggestions from yours truly on how to prevent this 🙃)![]()
Tell me : what's your preferred method for grooming your bunny? Does he or she enjoy it, or do you get guilt tripped into giving a treat afterwards? And how are you protecting yourself from the "furnado" swirling through your home?![]()
Until next time ...![]()
Nose boops and binkies,
Jasper Jellybean (currently known as shaggamuffin) 🐰
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1 week ago
HOPPY SUPER BOWL WEEK! The Big Game is just 5 days away!
The 50/50 pot is up to $920 💰
Sure, you could bet on the actual game but why not take your chances to win some cash while supporting Luv-N-Bunns?![]()
The Rules:
$5 per entry
Payments can be made via:
* Venmo @Luv-n-Bunns-Rabbitrescue (our pink logo, last 4 digits of phone 9184)
* Paypal![]()
All entries must be in before 5:00 pm on Sunday, 2/9
Drawing takes place at the end of the 2nd quarter/start of halftime
Winner gets 50% of whatever is collected & Luv-N-Bunns gets 50%
No matter who wins the big game, it’s a win/win for the bunns! ![]()
Burton says HOP TO IT & GO BIRDS!!!! 🦅
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1 week ago
Hello there! My name is Mocha Joe (MJ for short), and I've been told that typing up a bio about myself will help me find a forever home. I've never had one of those before, and so here I am, trying to get my paws to tap away at a keyboard.![]()
This is all pretty new to me, because before LNB came along, I was living in a junkyard. 0/10, do not recommend. Forget about computers ... I was just trying to survive. Life is so much better these days. Though I am still learning what it's like to trust and can be a bit protective where food is concerned, my foster mom says I have come so far and would be the perfect new friend for a human who has lots of love and patience. I promise to offer lots of nose boops in return, and once I know you I might even run around when you're sitting down and jump on your lap!![]()
If you would like to be the one to show me what a real home is like (please, oh please!), email for an adoption application!
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1 week ago
HOPPY SUPER BOWL WEEK! The Big Game its just 6 days away!
The 50/50 pot is up to $885! 💰
Sure, you could bet on the actual game but why not take your chances to win some cash while supporting Luv-N-Bunns?![]()
The Rules:
$5 per entry
Payments can be made via:
* Venmo @Luv-n-Bunns-Rabbitrescue (our pink logo, last 4 digits of phone 9184)
* Paypal![]()
All entries must be in before 5:00 pm on Sunday, 2/9
Drawing takes place at the end of the 2nd quarter/start of halftime
Winner gets 50% of whatever is collected & Luv-N-Bunns gets 50%![]()
No matter who wins the big game, it’s a win/win for the bunns!
S’mores says HOP TO IT & GO BIRDS!!!! 🦅
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2 weeks ago
This sweet little bunny, named Piglet, was living under a porch. With a plan and some patience, we were able to corral and rescue her. Piglet is now spayed, vaccinated, and ready for her forever home. Supporting Luv-N-Bunns means supporting bunnies like Piglet!
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2 weeks ago
The Pot is Growing! We're up to $630 with plenty of time to go.
Jump in on our 50/50 Bunny Bowl Raffle and you could win half!![]()
The Rules:
$5 per entry ![]()
* Venmo @Luv-n-Bunns-Rabbitrescue (our pink logo, last 4 digits of phone 9184)![]()
* Paypal![]()
All entries must be in before 5:00 pm on Sunday, 2/9 .![]()
Drawing takes place at the end of the 2nd quarter/start of halftime.
Winner gets 50% of whatever is collected & Luv-N-Bunns gets 50%.
No matter who wins the big game, it’s a win/win for the bunns!
Good Luck & GO BIRDS!!!! 🦅![]()
(email if other payment methods are needed)
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